A Good “LIBRA Full Moon” Friday


Full Moon in Libra-ARIES Friday, March 21 @ 2:40 pm est]
[Moon at 01’31” Libra : Sun at 01’31” Aries]

The Full Moon is in Libra, at 1 degree Libra 31 minutes, with the Sun opposing at 1 Aries 31. Pluto is square the Sun at 01 Capricorn, and Mars is opposing Pluto, also squaring the Sun-Moon opposition– and creating a Cardinal Grand Square conjunct the Aries point (0 degrees of the Cardinal signs) on Spring Equinox. This is GO time. But where?

It’s likely you’ll be busy initiating projects and agendas, or oh the other hand, possibly get nothing at all done. I consider this a sort of ‘Black or White’ day. Or, you can feel so frustrated by all the things you “should” be doing, that your limiting beliefs keep you from doing anything and increasing feelings of frustration.

Now, take a breath, allow some calming awareness of the situation, and try to find a compromise. That is your best solution by far!

The Moon in Libra is the star of the Full Moon, and the Sun in Aries (opposing) is the star of Spring Equinox. Mars and Venus, the planetary rulers of the Sun in Aries and Moon in LIbra, are making a trine aspect, while Venus is conjunct Mercury (for about 2 months) — discussion and negotiation CAN lead to a compromise.

So what’s the problem?

The Full Moon is squaring the current Mars-Pluto opposition increases this opposition’s influence. And since this occurs on Spring Equinox, it sets the tone for the season.

At Equinox, the Sun enters Aries. Aries is ruled by Mars. Mars is opposing Pluto and due to its recent Retrograde, this opposition has been in effect since Fall 2007. What is usually a transit that lasts a week or 2 lasted over 6 months.

At the Full Moon, the Sun and the Moon are square Pluto in early Capricorn, how do you pursue your goals? A Cardinal Grand Square including Mars opposing Pluto at Spring Equinox suggests personal agendas can be so compelling, we can justify using excessive force. Mars in early Cancer is defensive and protective, making it seem necessary to defend home and livelihood at any cost. Although the high-powered energy you may use to force issues and get your way can make you feel in control, results can be short-lived or not carried out.

Pluto square the Sun and Moon (at Equinox and Full Moon) can reveal tendencies that were well-hidden until recently. You may not see it in yourself. Current oppositions suggest you may see it more easily in others and point to them as “the problem,” overlooking your faults and undermining your contributions.

You may not be the one who overextends their power. Someone can push all your buttons, exposing raw emotions that you can usually keep a lid on. Good or bad is a value judgment. But withdrawing your participation due to possible judgments of others can prevent you from showing up or accomplishing something important. The more you can share without your ego needing to either be #1 or flip out, the more effortlessly you can feel and share your true essence.

The Sun, representing the essential self in the chart, is squaring both Pluto and Mars. Pluto is exalted in Aries and Mars rules Aries, so the intense challenges and emotions you may be facing now are about how much force you use when you feel resistance– and how quickly you use it. Victory by overreacting and threatening drama, humiliation, manipulation, or even violence, uses too much energy to be sustainable and creates more problems immediately. The friends or allies you make with threats may not be loyal or trustworthy.

How you approach life, moment-by-moment, is how life treats you back. The current trine from Venus to Mars shows that being more friendly to life can be your most effective strategy for peaceful solutions. If you can approach life and even conflict and remain open to compromise, you may even make some friends and achieve a peaceful agreement that is mutually beneficial. The more you force a situation by using threats of control, humiliation, and fear, the more resistance you are likely to encounter– especially this Spring. So if you are meeting continuous resistance during this Cardinal Grand Square that’s a clue you are pushing so hard you are creating resistance to the very thing you want so much. Remember, the planetary oppositions are happening to create awareness and the awareness itself can change things, in an instant. NOW.

If you are suspicious and afraid, everything can seem especially suspicious and scary at this Full Moon. You can accuse people of intentionally trying to hurt or trick you, even if it’s not true or personal. And this belief becomes “The Story of You” that you believe. The suspicion and resentment you feel can make you fearful of being exposed and humiliated and prevent you from sharing or even trying. If you can release your demands on life to conform to what you want and be open to what IS– without calling it good or bad– you can start to ease up on others as well. Approaching people in a positive, interested, friendly way, instead of what they “should” be doing or thinking can start make the world feel like a more helpful, friendly place where you can be happy and productive.

This Full Moon square Mars-Pluto can be a foreshadowing of the coming Pluto-Uranus square in 2012. Uranus’ affinity for Mars-ruled Scorpio (Uranus is exalted in Scorpio) and the Sun in Mars-ruled Aries square Pluto shows what ego can do when it is in full control. How can this be changed? Individually only. By making a decision to stop the pattern of blaming. You fuel the cycle of blame when you don’t take responsibility for your own choices and blame others instead. If it’s always “their” fault, you start to feel like a victim and frustration increases. It seems like you can never have enough, so you need more, which doesn’t make you feel satisfied, more blame, still “can’t get no satisfaction,” so you feel unhappy, and that gets spread around. You believe your small false self is real. That opens the door for the ego, which promises to make you very big and important. And when you’re still not satisfied, more blame.

We all do it. So it’s no big deal to admit it to yourself. Yet, the ego has a hard time admitting any possible shortcoming. What if someone judges that and shames or humiliates you? Then what! That feels like self-destruction and is very scary. So we do whatever we think will protect us. We accuse, blame, get offended, tense up, create dramatic situations, and spread our negative thoughts and complaints to anyone we can. It’s not easy to stay present, in the moment, when we perceive threatening judgments and actions.

So what’s wrong with venting, complaining, and getting upset about bad things? Because how you react to what happens “out there” is a choice. Over reacting or not reacting due to fear or anger can build up tension in your body that becomes real. Getting caught up in intensifying drama to make a point can throw you out of the present moment and keep you stuck re-living the past or feeling apprehensive about the future. Either way, you’re not here NOW, which makes it hard to be effective and make helpful choices.

While this week’s Full Moon can be challenging, next Friday, March 28, Jupiter sextiles Uranus exactly, also Venus as she conjuncts Uranus. This is a great time to publicize, market, and expand your sphere of influence for fun, profit, and self-fulfillment.~

General Meaning for Moon in Libra
. The Moon in Libra is a good time for relationships of all types; you might also be open to new people and new relationships. Feeling especially diplomatic right now and seeking to make peace at all costs, even YOU might not quite believe everything you’re saying. Are you charming them all to get your needs met? While you’re busy balancing everything and everyone to achieve peace and harmony, remember to balance the bright and shadowy parts of yourself (and others). Then you can begin to achieve real and lasting peace. Be your friendliest, harmonize your home, exercise your aesthetic, get some encouragement, and most of all get out there and socialize.~

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Astro Daija