Mercury, Mars, & Communication


On Monday, January 28th, Mercury went Retrograde in Libra. This is a most beautiful diplomatic placement for Retrograde because as most of you know, “Retro” means to Re-Do, or ReVisit — and for this particular Retrograde negotiations are quite favored next week. What this means for everyone is to be sure to ask for what you want, and be direct about it. You will be well respected for knowing exactly what you want, so get busy thinking about what exactly, that is.

“…the eyes are known as the windows to the soul – the same soul that feels the pull of earth and of the heavens.”

Mercury Retrograde affects communications, so it’s good to remember that experts on the subject say that there are four messages given each time we communicate.

What we mean to say. What we actually say. What the receiver hears us say. What the receiver (the other person in the communication) thinks it means. The last part can have a lot to do with our body language and the emotions and intonations that go along with spoken communication. And remember that Mercury in Retrograde disrupts communications, so pay special attention to the four messages, and how you can sort them out. How? Check to see if you’ve understood correctly by asking if what you think the communication means, is actually what the person speaking meant to say.

Today, Wednesday, Jan. 30th, the Planet Mars goes Direct adding its fiery passion to the mix of influences here on earth. You need to sharpen your focus on written and verbal communication in your career and personal life. What about subliminal communication? Every watch someone’s eyes carefully? They can tell you a lot. According to communication experts, blinking fast usually means a person is nervous — and peoples’ passions could be up this week. Eye contact regulates conversations, shows interest or involvement, and establishes a connection with others — in our culture. Dilated pupils indicate greater affection or attraction, while constricted pupils send a colder signal — usually a signal that your brain picks up subliminally. But you can tune in consciously and use what you see to help you understand what is being communicated. And of course, the eyes are known as the windows to the soul – the same soul that feels the pull of earth and of the heavens.

Mars returns “Direct” (it visually proceeds forward in its path through the skies), puts its fierce passions at work this week, and along with the Last Quarter Moon (Weds. Jan. 30th), this combination makes for a time to learn about what you truely care about.

Give it some time — sleep on it. Then proceed with careful, clear communication — Mercury (Communication) in Retrograde now, means that you need to double-check the messages you are putting out. Get in touch with your feelings, get yourself together, and go forward like a skilled negotiator, to seek your opportunities.~

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Astro Daija