Who are these Wise Men? What are the Gifts they bring? Could they have been …Seekers??


Do you remember that in the Biblical story, the three wise men found the Lord Jesus by following a star? These wise men, many historians believe, hailed from Persia and were priests of the Zoroastrian sect, schooled (among other things) in Astrology. The star they followed, the Star of Bethlehem, also called the Christmas Star, is not understood in modern times, though there are theories that it could have been Jupiter in conjunction with Regulus, and/or Venus. Do stars bless and recognize Kings? Are there connections between the heavens above, and the happenings on Earth? I think so. What star might bless you this season?

“Does not each persons’ soul seek this on earth — to find their spiritual heaven? “

Do you have three wise men in your life? Most of us do… if we think about it. The first will be someone in our family, usually a grandfather or uncle who always knew the right thing to say… at the right time. The second will be a teacher — at a school you attended, a community center, a church camp, or some other organized activity. This teacher really knew how to inspire you. The third… is an interesting one. It could be someone as close as the neighborhood Father who helped you with a project. It could be someone as far away as a helpful soul you met while traveling abroad. These “wise men” came into your life when you needed them, and provided a key role in your development. They could have, of course, been three wise women, or two men and a woman, etc. The important thing is to reflect on what they have taught you. Then… ask, for whom am I the wise man/woman this holiday season?

Gaspar, Melchior and Balthasar — the three wise men. Who were they? What did they represent? Ultimately, like all of us, they are seekers. Learned, of course, but searching for a King — a spiritual leader. Does not each persons’ soul seek this on earth — to find their spiritual heaven? And what is the meaning of the gifts from the wise men to the King? Gold, Frankincense, and Myrrh. Perhaps, gold as a symbol of earthly kingship, frankincense (an incense) as a symbol of priestship, and myrrh (an embalming oil) as a foretelling of death. Symbolic gifts. A gift also given by the example of their lives — they traveled from afar to honor him. If you are Spiritually discerning, this Christmas… what gifts will you give… and to whom?

Finally… why so many questions? As a wise man once said, “judge a person more by their questions… than their answers.” Merry Christmas!!

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Astro Daija