Emotions & Astrology


Do you manage your emotions, or do they control you? This can be a key concern in relationships. It’s important to honor your emotions, and not try to bury them — there is even such a thing as “emotional intelligence” (see books by the same name) that can help you in trusting your feelings. At the same time, emotional outbursts — at work or at home — don’t usually score you many points. Using Astrology to understand key character traits (your own, and for those who are close to you) can help you get a handle on emotional hot spots.

“Emotions can come to the surface in these times, but it’s up to you to choose to deal with your emotions in a healthy way.”

In Astrology, it is taught that the Moon has a great deal of influence on your emotions. Right now the moon is just waxing toward Full… a scant, 2% crescent moon. This is just after a ‘NEW MOON’ when the energy and power of the Moon is building up toward full power. New projects are best started now, so maybe you can get to work on those New Years’ resolutions early.

Have you heard the saying, “the spirit is willing”? It usually means that in old age, you may be wishing to do certain things (athletic activities, travel, etc.), but are unable because of certain bodily set backs. At any age, the idea that your Spirit is what moves you to action is important, and in Astrology, examining the Spiritual influences of the celestial bodies becomes of the essence. The Moon impacts and internalizes our emotions. The Sun fires up and projects out to the universe our personalities. As we embrace this conjunction of Pluto and Jupiter on the 11th, Tuesday, (today) this influence can fuel your emotions (the Moon is growing towards Full too) in order to allow you to better deal with them. Keep your wits about yourself and listen to what your emotions tell you, but don’t let them control you.~

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Astro Daija