Star Speech & Earth


Did you know that the word “Astrology” is derived from two Greek words, roughly translated as “Star” and “Speak”? Well, the Stars (and Planets) do speak quite a lot about events on good old earth. Astronomers (Astronomy and Astrology used to be one field of study), look to the Stars to learn about history, geology, and make mathematical predictions about celestial events. Astrologers have developed a number of Psychological interpretations for the influence of heavenly bodies. Both believe that all things are connected. So often people turn to Astrology to learn about their own connections — relationships, for example. And, as a framework for understanding the personality, Astrology can tell you quite a lot about yourself… and your partner. If you would enjoy reading more about this fascinating topic please visit my website blog where there is more in depth information.

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Astro Daija