What guidance can you gain from Astrology?


Astrology looks at Celestial influences (one example is that the Moon influences ocean tides), provides clues to personalities, and the best timing for things you need to do. Does the time of year one is born influence a person’s personality? Sure — if you’re born in the Summer, your first impressions that form your personality are very different than for someone born in winter. And in that simple example (there are a number of other variables at play), the motion of the Earth, and position of the Sun are key. Get it? Does it predict the future? No. We have free will, and there are random events. Does it bring up some important things to consider as you make choices? Yes.

“…the ancients understood that all of these things — humans, nature, the cosmos — are interwoven and so they influence each other.”

The seasons are changing — do you tune into nature, and what goes on in the evening sky? Even modern studies have shown that a sense of the natural rhythms is key to holistic health. For example, recent research shows that those that wake up to natural light (an open window) are happier than those who don’t. Of course the ancients understood that all of these things — humans, nature, the cosmos — are interwoven and so they influence each other. And, that’s a key premise behind Astrology.

Have you heard the saying, “timing is everything?” Well that sums up a large part of the theory behind Astrology and the advise it may offer. This week (on October 11th), Mercury is moving toward a “Retrograde”, where it appears to move backwards. This influence signals a big note of caution for your business and personal affairs. Slow down. Do some more research. Get your facts in order. And time important decisions for after the Retrograde ends — November 1, or if you must make one sooner… do your research and “dot the i’s and cross the t’s”. Always consider the best timing.

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Astro Daija