Happy Fall Equinox & Happy Birthday LIBRA!!


The Autumnal Equinox is a seasonal highlight making it’s debut today and also launching the Sun’s entry into LIBRA — it’s all about diplomacy, balance, harmony, and justice. The expressive wildly communicative first part of the astrological year is over and now the energy is in harmonic balance before beginning a gradual six-month retreat that emphasizes the internal phases of our lives over the external development of our lives.

Today, was simply beautiful on both coasts and all across the United States as beautiful colors began to appear as illusive distractions carrying us away from reality and into brilliant fantasy or our personal state of perfect oblivion (whichever you prefer) as the brilliant Aquarius Moon rejuvinates Friday’s oppositions between sweet Venus and fanciful Neptune. So gear up to enjoy a most delightful evening and most delicious week and month ahead!~

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Astro Daija