A Super Sabbath – Saturday & Seven – Seven “07” to Boot!!


7-7-07 comes up Today!! And yes, it’s still Mercury Retrograde, and just for two more days, thank Heavens!! Mercury goes direct on the 9th… hooray, hooray!! Now back to talking about lucky numbers.  Today’s date on the calendar is a triple Seven. And Seven is understood to symbolize some very powerful things like Wisdom, Attainment, Mysticism, and Spiritual Perfection.  That’s from Numerology, which was once considered a legitimate part of mathematics by early mathematicians, like Pythagoras, just as Astrology was once considered a mainstream part of psychology.  So this month it will be helpful to focus on attaining what you want for yourself Spiritually.

If you’re interested in numerology, here is a short list with one word meanings for each number (note that these meanings also are present in common definitions for the suit cards in a Tarot deck):
0. Everything and nothing or absoluteness, the All
1. Individual. Aggressor. Yang.
2. Balance. Union. Receptive. Yin.
3. Communication/interaction. Neutrality.
4. Creation.
5. Action.
6. Reaction/flux. Responsibility.
7. Thought/consciousness/Spirit
8. Power/sacrifice.
9. Completion.
10. Rebirth.

And the greatest of all the above is of course FAITH.  Your faith, and what you base your FAITH in will determine your happiness and joy. In all things in and of this universe remember FAITH vs. FEAR in your daily actions, words, and deeds. And you shall remain powerful by FAITH by choosing to remain in a state of GOOD CHEER and living above your circumstances, regardless of what you are going thru emotionally. In this life we must always remember too, that nothing in this universe lasts forever. Even the physical life in that we exist, is indeed a temporary state. We are born and then we die. And while we are alive, in this physical state we are in control of how we choose to live our lives physically, spiritually, emotionally, romantically, domestically, and truly in every way. And it is up to us to SEEK and LEARN, and CHOOSE Righteously, and always in a way that will serve the highest good, which of course, is serving GOD first, and then by so doing we will serve ourselves, and all others accordingly.~


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Astro Daija