A Weird Wednesday


Feeling a bit out of sorts? Everything appears to be ‘off balance’ in your domestic and professional life? Your head and mental attitude is completely discombobulated? You’re asking yourself, Who am I? Where am I?  And What are we all doing? How are we doing? And when will we see the Light at the end of this tunnel; Life?

 Well, that is what this ‘Wednesday’ is all about. . . CONFUSION, CHAOS, and lots of mystery as to why this had to happen, or why that had to happen, and today we’re filled with a constant mindful chant of WHY WHY WHY…

and that’s fine.

Continue to raise your hands to the sky and ask “WHY”… because it is thru our contemplate thoughts, about ‘why’ something is or isn’t a certain way, that we will delve deeply into our souls, into the depth of our spiritual core, and awaken our true consciousness becoming more aware of who we are and ‘why’ we are, and whom we’re here to serve.

This sort of meditation, allows us to sort things thru, and eventually arrive at an answer that is satisfying, or at least settling, enough; enabling us to get up again tomorrow, and again the next day after that, and each day thereafter, eventually moving on, from our stress and strife, and pain that sometimes daily life brings about, and not for only one, but for all of us.

And as we all know, recognize and understand, that is exactly what . . .
Life is …
truly unpredictable! ~

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Astro Daija