A Topsy-Turvy Tuesday


Mercury (Communications) and Jupiter (Abundance) along with Venus (Love) and Neptune (Romance) bring about one of the most exaggerated forms of meddling and gossip that could truly alienate; so take caution in what you choose ‘to say’ &/or do for others today, making sure that you refrain from stretching the truth, or overstepping your boundaries in the name of Love. Oftentimes, to show someone how much you love them, all you need to do is be still. Loving someone in the way that ‘they know’ they’re loved, means to love them in their Love Language rather than in yours. For example: If you are the type of person who needs or requires a lot of time and attention from the person whom you love and who professes to love you, then it’s important that you ‘share’ with your special person, that that is indeed your love language, ‘Quality Time’ and attention.

However, if you find that the person whom you’re seeking the quality time and attention from, tends to be ‘naturally’ more distant, and aloof, then you can bet that if you tell that person exactly what you need from them, and in a kind and considerate way, that you’ll see a change in how much attention you receive.

By the same token, perhaps this person feels ‘smothered’ by you—-because maybe you’re trying to LOVE THEM TOO MUCH? Perhaps you’re so ‘HANDs ON’ and always in their face, under their feet, or wanting or demanding something from them—-that all they want to do is MOVE AWAY from you.

I can guarantee you that if the person whom you love, is the type of person whose primary LOVE LANGUAGE IS to be given PERSONAL SPACE. FREEDOM and PRIVACY, then it’s likely that they are not feeling very loved by you, either. And for one reason, just like they are not giving you what you need, you’re not giving them what they need either, because you’re attempting to love them in your LOVE LANGUAGE rather than loving them in theirs. 

And remember this ‘ideal’ of understanding and communicating about an Individual’s primary Love Language—-isn’t only limited to romantic relationships, it’s relative to ALL ‘loving’ relationships, whether parents, children, siblings, friends, couples, etc., the bottom line is all about communicating ‘correctly’ and ‘compassionately’ with the loved ones in your life by telling them, exactly what you need. And then, too, encourage them to be open and honest with you, by telling you exactly what they need, and then compromising in order to create a win-win situation.

Today could get a little out of hand in these types of communications due to the topsy-turvy day… however, if your approach is kind, and honest, you’ll do well, so express yourself, but just do so nicely. 🙂

Have a good one!!

Lean More… Let’s Talk About What’s Going On With You:

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Astro Daija