A Supernatural Sunday


Mercury sidles up to Uranus for a surprisingly close encounter of the most brilliant and intuitive kind! Everything you see, hear, taste, touch, and smell,
leaves you with wanting ‘something more’! And you seek the answers by knocking and what you find today is the ‘TRUTH’ you’ve been asking for!

On the eve of this gorgeous Libra Full Moon, you’re definitely in the midst of recognizing that patience is needed when doubt prevails, and always remember that it’s the positive force that you put in place to push your thoughts, actions, words, and deeds actually into ‘manifestation’ that will ultimately bring about your greatest understanding of all that you do, in order to achieve your heart’s desires.

And so today, remember this, and your month ahead will be a month of sheer bliss: “Remain in ‘The Light’ by remembering your absolute unwaivering FAITH does in fact rule all that is UNSEEN; by acknowledging this in your everyday life, and all that you do whether in happiness, sadness, stress, and strife,  regardless of what is occuring in your daily life, you will remain in God’s favor, and receive the best for your life, when you choose obedience to His Truth, walking by Faith, rather than by sight, knowing in your heart, that you’re always and eternally a Blessed Child of God’s eternal Light.”~  DD

Scripture reading today, Palm Sunday, 2 Peter 3:17-18

Lean More… Let’s Talk About What’s Going On With You:

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Astro Daija