A Munchie Moon Moody Monday


Talk about COMFORT FOOD and needing it all day long; seriously emotional, this day is one that takes the cake, washing it down with a tall glass of milk, or maybe a chocolate mochasippi with whipped cream, nuts and cherries!! Yes, we’re feeling the pre-effects of tomorrow’s New Moon, and let’s face it, the moon rules our emotions, so what do you expect on the eve of an Aries New Moon … INDULGENCE pops into mind under such Sizzling HOT periods, as well as perhaps a feeling of entitlement, enticing our emotional trends enabling us to rationalize and rectify, even justify our actions, words, and deeds, and well, just about anything and everything that we may feel so obliged indulging  in, today. And tomorrow, it’s even worse!!

Go ahead, take the day off, stay in bed and snuggle a tad bit longer, or just cover your head and sleep in, after all, you work hard, and you deserve it… gosh, I think this Aries moon is doing something to me, too… as in just wrapping things up, I feel a sense of freedom wash over me this evening, and well, although I’m going to work tomorrow, tonight is just about over, so let’s all kick back, and wrap up the old and make way for the new, and more improved that’s about to be enjoyed during this awesome Aries New Moon where opportunities beckon, and doors are flung open, and a new phase begins, where what is behind us remains, and our lives going forward are forever changed.~

Let us pray together tonight for those students whose lives were sadly lost during today’s tragic event at VA Tech. GOD HEAR OUR PRAYER
Let us  offer our love and support to these families and friends suffering the loss of their precious loved ones today. GOD BE WITH YOU, and YOURS during your time of need, cling to HIM, as He will take your burden of pain and suffering and use this sorrowful time for the good and benefit of all concerned. In Jesus name we pray. AMEN.

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Astro Daija